Monday, December 21, 2009

Nitwit Senator Joe-The Hoe-Lieberman

It wasn't too difficult to figure out who deserves the Nitwit Award this time around. It MUST be Joe-The Hoe-Lieberman. This the liar who sold out working Americans from receiving a public option or a buy-in to Medicare. He is no Democrat but a neo-con jerkdecrat.

He has received $2.1 million from the health care industry. He has raised about $49 million overall, including millions from financial firms, lawyers, real estate interests and pro-Israeli groups. Among Lieberman's biggest lifetime contributors is indeed the Harford-based Aetna insurance company, which has contributed $112, 618 through political action committees and individuals. The Travelers Companies, also based in Harford, has contributed $72,119. Purdue Pharma, a Stamford pharaceutical company, contributed $150, 100 to him through individuals and PACs, making it the senator's fourth-largest single contributor. Only United Technologies, Citigroup and Lehman Brothers contributed more.

Also, Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc, contributed $85,000 through individuals and PACs. Lieber-hoe found checks made out to him by Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Anthem, CIGNA, Health Net, and United Health.

The Center for Public Integrity reported that Joe had hoed legislation that benefited Pfizer Inc.

So, Joe Lieberman, you are elected to be Nitwit of the Year!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nitwit CONgressman Joey "Jockstrap" Wilson

During President Obama's speech to the joint Congressional Assembly on 9-9-09 about health care reform, Nitwit Joey Wilson called the president a liar. Keith Olbermann called Joey Wilson, Wrongway Wilson. Wrongway yelled out to President Obama, "You Lie" when the president stated that the discussed health care reform bill currently in the Congress would not allow for illegal immigrants to be able to buy into the "insurance exchange" plan.

Unfortunately, "Jockstrap" Wilson was wrong. Nowhere in the bill does it say what Wilson imagined. Obviously he never read it, or he was taking his marching orders to disrupt the Joint Session of Congress, no matter what the consequences would be, from the Reichstag Republican leadership bosses. Not only was he wrong, but he called out this president from the his assigned seat showing how stupid he really was. Wrongway Wilson NEVER called out his liar BushBoy president for all the lies surrounding the rush to war in Iraq and for all the fake reasons why we were there.

This South Carolina Republican fool only gave an apology to the president because his political mommy-the Repugni-con leadership told him to. He basically said, "They made be say I'm sowrree, Mista Pwesadent!"

Another fool, Representative Eric Cantor, a Re-CON from Virginia, believes that the Obama health care plan is a government takeover of the the health care industry. HUH?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nitwit John Bolton

Neo-fascist John "the executioner" Bolton made it into the news today when he came out and basically said that the two American women held in the North Korean gulag for the last 5 months should have stayed there. He pontificated that the way to handle it was to hand off the negotiations to the Chinese government.

He bloviated that it was a mistake to have former President Clinton, acting as a "civilian", go to North Korea and meet directly with Kim Jong II. The only "payment" given was for Mr. Clinton to attend photo shoots with Kim Jong II and attend state dinners. Bonehead Bolton felt these exchanges were wrong. The women: Laura Ling and Euna Lee, should have stayed in prison.

We, therefore, must assume that the most incompetent and Brain-dead Bolton would keep his own mother in a gulag for his neo-fascist beliefs. He quietly railed that this negotiation sets an Obama precedence to have envoys meet with our enemies when the lives of American hostages are at stake. He objects to such discussions.

He mentioned the 3 American hikers who were arrested, on charges of spying, by the Iranian military for illegally entering the country might give the Iranian government the idea that a negotiated dialogue might occur when attempting to obtain the release of such prisoners.

Blowzy Bolton must subscribe to the Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran foreign policy. wrote this award.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Nitwit Missouri State Representative Cynthia Davis

A Nitwit Award goes out to Missouri State Representative Cynthia Davis for opposing subsidized school lunches for low income children during the summer months. She stated that "hunger can be a positive motivator", encouraging the kids to experience hunger instead of receiving a subsidized school lunch.

Where do these people come from? Oh. I forgot, the Republican Party!!

Here is her Facebook page.

I think she might want to practice some of her own Hunger Challenge methodologies!

From ShortsandPants.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nitwit Susan Collins-Maine Republican Rep.

Republican Representative from Maine, Susan Collins was bragging that she and her fellow Republican Nitwits pulled financial support from the stimulus package that would have gone for pandemic (flu) funding amounting to $870M. Do we really need such morons in government? What is wrong with those voters in Maine?

Group Nitwit Award

The FAA gave the military a photo op go-ahead to fly fighter planes trailing a large 747 presidential executive fleet plane around the Statue of Liberty for publicity pictures without telling the public. Many New Yorkers freaked and emptied skyscrapers around the area in fear. These FAA and military officials are the worst type of nitwits!! Congratulations you public employees for being stupid.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mr. Larry Summers Needs His Own Economic Advisor

Larry Summers, President Barack Obama's senior economic advisor in the White House's Economic Council, came out and said that "the economic free-fall could end in the next couple of months." I am not sure if he in touch with reality or with even the residents of Washington, DC. For many, they are caught in the actual real unemployment statistics of 15%, which includes the under-employed, and those who are working less than 23 hours per week but want full-time like they had before they were Pink Slipped, as well as those who just gave up looking. I am not sure he is in touch with the nation's university presidents, as he was once the president of Harvard. There will be a flood of new graduates unable to find work. Even the stimulus package will not make up for the coming job losses. Remember, there a millions who lost their 401Ks and were hoping to retire allowing younger people to fill these job vacancies. This, Larry, just won't be happening.

In addition, consumers continue to feel the jitters when they open their wallets even to buy two large pizzas! So, I am sure what Larry Summers is talking about.

Larry was a key figure in the deregulation that brought about this economic tsunami that swept of the country over the last 2 years.

Larry Summers get the Nitwit Award for this week!! Congratulations Larry!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is Nitwit of the Week!

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, the very guy that has been chairman since the Godfather of Greed resigned from the position---Alan Greenspan, just stated today, 3-10-09, that the economic crisis is worse than he thought it would get! WOW! Is this guy insightful or what? He has been giving trillions of dollars away to the financial industry left and right, with no accountability or transparency, yet he NOW has decided the bank failures, the economic disaster and the economy are in really, really, really bad shape. It took him this long to figure it out when the rest of us knew it a year and half ago. WOW! He must be as darn sharp as the blunt end of a eraser. Yes---he is the new Eraserhead!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ohio Representative Steve Austia-Idiot of the Week!

Ohio Republican Representative Steve Austria made a statement that FDR caused the Great Depression, which he later retracted. Here is what this fool said to The Dispatch's editorial board, "When Roosevelt did this, he put our country into a Great Depression. He tried to borrow and spend, he tried to use the Keynesian appoach, and our country ended up in a great depression. That is our history."

This idiot was railing against President Obama's stimulus plan. The Repugnicon had no clue that most experts believe the Great Depression began in 1929, yet President Roosevelt did not take office until 1933.

I guess any moron can be elected by Republicans!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

This Week's Award Goes to Our Outgoing Boy President

Today, our Boy President gave his farewell to arms address to the nation. He wanted all of us to know that being a boy president has been "hard work", and that he has made "tough decisions" in order to make this nation safe, the world safe, and create a successful presidency for himself.

Bush is a psychopathic, delusional failure believing that he is able to make the tough decisions. He has spoken about this idea over and over again throughout his presidency. He wants the American people to believe that he is competent in his skills as a national leader, yet his unconscious insecurity has driven his brain to repeat out loud that yes, he CAN make the hard decisions when in reality he has NEVER been capable or skilled enough, or smart enough or competent enough to actually do so. So, his effort to try and bring forth a sense that HE is a successful Decider of Tough Decisions, which is occurring on an unconscious level, has to be reaffirmed and reflected back to himself by his over-inflated and damaged ego. It is not any different than the child who climbs up on the counter to get a cookie and through his "hard work" to obtain the actually cookie knocks over and breaks the cookie jar, but then tries to justify his disastrous tough decision to be independent says, "But I did it myself, Mommie!"